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Research Transcriptions

Is Zoom Safe for Confidential Meetings!?

Are you using Zoom for confidential meetings? If so, you need to check this out.

As much as any company, Zoom was made popular by the COVID pandemic. And the company was heavily scrutinized (deservedly so) over security concerns. We put out a comprehensive report on it ourselves. And then, several months later, Zoom claimed to have resolved the issues. And all was good. Or was it?

We need not get in to what these security concerns were here.

What you need to do is become familiar with Zoom’s Terms of Service.

Research Transcriptions


In the interest of safe and smart due diligence, we recommend making sure that your security officer and/or legal counsel are aware of this (we would presume that they are), and gain their approval before using Zoom for confidential meetings.

Zoom has an explanation about it’s “updated” terms of service that are worth noting, specifically with regards to how their practices apply to artificial intelligence features. Read it here.

Other readings about Zoom alternatives:

Best Zoom Alternatives


Keep it safe!

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