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Like any well designed research study, finding the best transcribing service for research interviews starts with a defined set of criterion upon which findings will be measured.
The table below includes features that are often not easily found on transcription websites (often intentionally so).
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Research Transcriptions | Global Workpools |
Company ownership, operations, production | ||
100% US-owned and operated? | Yes | No |
Dedicated Account Manager in the US? | Yes | No |
Direct supervision over transcribers? | Yes | No |
100% Human Transcription? | Yes | No |
Dedicated transcription teams by specialty? | Yes | No |
Company President available by phone? | Yes | No |
Transcriber Qualifications | Research Transcriptions | Global Workpools |
100% US-based? | Yes | No |
100% native English Speaking? | Yes | No |
Security background checks required prior to work? | Yes | No |
Specialists in healthcare sciences? | Yes | No |
Certified in Protecting Human Subject Research Participants? | Yes | No |
Certified in HIPAA compliance | Yes | No |
Security & Confidentiality | Research Transcriptions | Global Workpools |
IRB compliant? | Yes | No |
HIPAA compliant? | Yes | No |
100% US data storage? | Yes | No |
SOC 2 service option? | Yes | No |
NDAs & IRQs (security questionnaires) welcome? | Yes | No |
US data confidentiality laws enforceable with transcribers? | Yes | No |
Transcription Options | Research Transcriptions | Global Workpools |
Free 3-minute time stamps? | Yes | No |
Free advanced-scheduling for rapid turnaround? | Yes | No |
De Identification/ Anonymization available? | Yes | No |
Transcription & Translation in 37 languages | Yes | No |
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee | Yes | No |
Company ownership, operations, production | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Work-pools |
Transcriber Qualifications | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Work-pools |
Security & Confidentiality | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Work-pools |
Transcription options | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Work-pools |
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Research Transcriptions | Global Workpools |
Company ownership, operations, production | ||
100% US-owned and operated? | Yes. 100% owned by Robert Foley (Service Disabeld Veteran) See corporate registrations. | No. Freelance transcribers log in to a global work-pool transcription website to request jobs. |
Dedicated Account Manager in the US? | Yes. Dedicated account manager in the United States, available via phone and email – on weekends too. | Sometimes. |
Dedicated Transcription Teams? | Yes. Research Transcriptions utilizes dedicated transcribing teams in a wide variety of fields, including medical research (sciences), marketing, academia and more. | No. Global freelance workers are transient and often work for multiple work-pool transcription websites. No industry-specific knowledge. |
Direct supervision over transcribers? | Yes. Direct and immediate supervision of transcribers via an online system with IP tracking of location. Work in public places is strictly prohibited. | No. Frequently changing freelance transcribers around the world who often work in crowd-shared work-spaces and internet cafes due to unreliable and expensive internet service in their country. No direct reporting to a supervisor. |
100% human transcription? | Yes. Research Transcriptions performs 100% human transcription on all work. Speech recognition services are not offered. | No. Frequent use of speech recognition software to cut costs and shorten delivery times, resulting in accuracy ratings below 90%. |
Company President available by phone? | No. No information provided about the owner or president on company websites. |
Transcriber Qualifications | Research Transcriptions | Global Workpoools |
100% US-based? | Yes. Research Transcriptions’ transcribers are 100% US-based. | No. Freelance transcribers are located around the world, outside the reach of US law. Some offer US transcribing service at higher prices than advertised rates. |
100% American-English (AmE) speaking transcribers for English transcription? | Yes. All transcribers for English transcription are native American-English speakers (Anglo English transcription is not offered). Work with languages other than English is performed in the country native to the language spoken in the audio. | No. Most freelance transcribers overseas speak English as a 2nd or 3rd language. Others come from Anglo-English speaking countries, where spelling differences are common. All lack experience with American idioms, expressions, slang, proper pronouns, euphemisms, metaphors, and geographic references. |
Security background checks required prior to work? | Yes. All Research Transcriptions’ transcribers are ID-verified in the US, with extensive background checks performed. | No. Background checks are not available for workers outside the United States. Worker identification cannot be positively verified. |
Specialists in healthcare sciences and marketing research? | Yes. Transcribing teams with expertise in medical terminology, customer insights and more. | No. Global freelance transcribers lack access to (and financial ability) industry-specific training. |
Trained & certified in Protecting Human Subject Research Participants? | Yes. All transcribers are CITI/NIH trained in Protecting Human Subject Research Participants. | No. Not required due to lack of specialization and cost. Difficult to oversee with global freelance transcribers. |
Security & Confidentiality | Research Transcribers | Global workpools |
IRB compliant? | Yes. IRB-approved by over 110 colleges and universities across the United States. | Sometimes. Not usually hired by universities due to insufficient supervision of overseas workers to assure confidentiality and accountability. |
HIPAA compliant? | Yes. All Research Transcriptions transcribers are HIPAA trained and certified, with quarterly training updates. | Not required due to lack of specialization and cost. Difficult to oversee with global freelance workers. |
100% US data storage? | Yes. Detailed information available. | No. Use of workers around the globe requires servers located near them. |
SOC 2 service option? | Yes. Schedule a meeting with Rob Foley to discuss. | No. Difficult to attain due to lack of supervision of workers outside the U.S.. |
NDAs & IRQs (security questionnaires) welcome? | Yes. We provide and invite client’s own. Security Officers are welcome. | No. NDAs offered lack culpability of workers outside the U.S. |
US data confidentiality laws enforceable with transcribers? | Yes. All Research Transcriptions’ transcribers sign NDAs and are answerable to U.S. law. | No. Workers outside the U.S. are not answerable to U.S. law. |
Transcription Options | Research Transcriptions | Global workpools |
Free 3-minute time stamps? | Yes. Free 3-minute time stamps upon request with no extra charge. | No. Time stamps cost an additional $0.25 per minute on average. |
Free fast transcription turnaround with advanced-scheduling? | Yes. Fast transcription delivery is available through advanced project scheduling. No extra charge for 24-hour delivery option. | No. Additional fees for fast transcription turnaround range from $0.25 – $0.75 for 24-hour delivery. No advanced scheduling option. |
De-identification/ anonymization offered? | Yes. Research Transcriptions will also remove names of places and locations upon request. | No. Workers lack familiarity with American places and locations; unable to identify. |
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee offered? | Yes. Reproofed (free) by the team. 100% satisfaction guarantee from owner/president. Schedule a meeting with Rob Foley. | No. Usually partial credit offered toward future work. The responsible worker can be difficult to locate due to lack of supervision varying time zones of personnel. |
Company ownership, operations, production | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Workpools |
100% US-owned and operated? | 100% owned by Robert Foley (Service Disabeld Veteran) See corporate registrations. | Freelance workers log in to a global work-pool website to request transcribing jobs. |
Dedicated Account Manager in the US? | Dedicated account manager in the United States, available via phone and email – on weekends too. | Sometimes. |
Dedicated Transcription Teams? | Research Transcriptions utilizes dedicated transcribing teams in a wide variety of fields, including medical research (sciences), marketing, academia and more. | Global freelance workers who are transient and often work for multiple work-pool transcribing services. No industry-specific knowledge. |
Direct supervision over transcribers? | Direct and immediate supervision of transcribers via an online system with IP tracking of location. Work in public places is strictly prohibited. | Frequently changing freelance transcribers around the world who often work in crowd-shared work-spaces and internet cafes due to unreliable and expensive internet service in their country. No direct reporting to a supervisor. |
100% human transcription? | Research Transcriptions performs 100% human transcription on 100% of work. Speech recognition services are not offered. | Frequent use of speech recognition software to cut costs and shorten delivery times, resulting in accuracy ratings below 90%. |
Company President available by phone? | No information provided about the owner or president on company websites. |
Transcriber qualifications | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Workpools |
100% US-based? | 100% owned by Robert Foley (Service Disabeld Veteran) See corporate registrations. | Freelance workers log in to a global work-pool website to request transcribing jobs. |
100% American-English (AmE) speaking transcribers for English transcription? | Dedicated account manager in the United States, available via phone and email – on weekends too. | Sometimes. |
Security background checks required prior to work? | Research Transcriptions utilizes dedicated transcribing teams in a wide variety of fields, including medical research (sciences), marketing, academia and more. | Global freelance workers who are transient and often work for multiple work-pool transcribing services. No industry-specific knowledge. |
Specialists in healthcare sciences and marketing research? | Direct and immediate supervision of transcribers via an online system with IP tracking of location. Work in public places is strictly prohibited. | Frequently changing freelance transcribers around the world who often work in crowd-shared work-spaces and internet cafes due to unreliable and expensive internet service in their country. No direct reporting to a supervisor. |
Trained & certified in Protecting Human Subject Research Participants? | Research Transcriptions performs 100% human transcription on 100% of work. Speech recognition services are not offered. | Frequent use of speech recognition software to cut costs and shorten delivery times, resulting in accuracy ratings below 90%. |
Security & Confidentiality | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Workpools |
IRB compliant? | IRB-approved by over 110 colleges and universities across the United States. | Not usually hired by universities due to insufficient supervision of overseas workers to assure confidentiality and accountability. |
HIPAA compliant? | All Research Transcriptions transcribers are HIPAA trained and certified, with quarterly training updates. | Not required due to lack of specialization and cost. Difficult to oversee with global freelance workers. |
100% US data storage? | Detailed information available. | Use of transcribers around the globe requires servers located near them. |
SOC 2 service option? | Schedule a meeting with Rob Foley to discuss. | Difficult to attain due to lack of supervision of workers outside the US. |
NDAs & IRQs (security questionnaires) welcome? | We provide and invite client’s own. Security Officers are welcome. | NDAs offered do not cover workers outside the U.S. |
US data confidentiality laws enforceable with transcribers? | All Research Transcriptions’ transcribers sign NDAs and are answerable to US law. | Workers outside the US are not answerable to US law. |
Transcription options | Research Transcriptions | Global Freelance Transcribing Workpools |
Free 3-minute time stamps? | Free 3-minute time stamps upon request with no extra charge. | Time stamps cost an additional $0.25 per minute on average. |
Free fast transcription turnaround with advanced-scheduling? | Fast transcription delivery is available through advanced project scheduling. No extra charge for 24-hour delivery option. | Additional fees for fast transcription turnaround range from $0.25 – $0.75 for 24-hour delivery. No advanced scheduling option. |
De-identification/ anonymization offered? | Through 100% human transcription, Research Transcriptions will remove names of places and locations upon request. | Workers lack familiarity with American places and locations; unable to identify. |
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee offered? | Reproofed (free) by the team. 100% satisfaction guarantee from owner/president. Schedule a meeting with Rob Foley. | Usually partial credit offered toward future work. The responsible worker can be difficult to locate due to lack of supervision and varying time zones of transcribers. |
Get to know us
See what we are About, How we work, How we hire, and How we compare. Meet Research Transcriptions founder and CEO, Rob Foley.